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LIT & FIT Mindshift to Healthy Habits

  • 6 Steps


This program is designed to help you overcome emotional eating, squash cravings, manage your mind and create a specific unique plan that is perfect for you. That's why I created the M.O.V.E. Method. My M.O.V.E. Method 4 STEPS TO VICTORY Using my unique combination of hypnosis, NLP (neurolinguistic programming), tapping and meditation, I work with clients in a way that expedites their results. The technique is what I call the "Move Method" and consists of the following steps: M: MAXIMIZE your mindset to feel calm and connected O: OVERCOME your obstacles & build confidence V: VISUALIZE your victories to become your best version of you E: ELEVATE your energy to boost productivity

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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